Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week 7- Quadruped Walk Polish/ Physicality Planning

This was our last week to work on our quadruped walk and I'm pretty happy with the way it has turned out so far. I'm relieved that I have finally done a quadruped animation. Now they aren't so scary! Here's how it turned out

Derek said he thought this was a beautiful walk cycle and the 3/4 view looks really natural with good mechanics. He gave me a few little tweaks on leg pops to smooth out but overall he really liked it. I'll make those changes before I add it to my final demo reel.

The second part of this week's assignment was to plan out and find reference for our physicality shot, which is what we're going to be spending the rest of the term working on. We had a whole list of things we could pick from that explored different locomotion and physicality that we hadn't tried yet, and they ranged in difficulty. I felt a lot of pressure this week to come up with an amazing idea so I'd have an impressive shot for my demo reel, and of course I put so much pressure on myself that I couldn't think of anything! I don't even know what made me think of this but I finally decided to animate a gymnast doing tricks on a balance beam and then losing her balance (one of the options on the list was to explore balance on a beam and another one was to do jumps so I sort of combined them and added flips). I decided that I really needed to plan way more than usual for this one to make the actual animating as easy as possible for myself since I had never done anything like this. I searched hours of gymnast footage to find the right reference for what I wanted. I finally found something I liked

After studying and studying the reference I broke it down into these drawings and made my own notes.

Then I decided to take it a step further by animating my drawings using Photoshop so I could start getting an idea for timing.

Now I just need to wait for approval from my mentor to do this and next week we start blocking it out so that should be fun!

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