Derek said this looks awesome and I did fantastic job addressing all of his notes along the way. Now the timing feels pretty good all throughout and wasn't sure if I could get it right in time because messing with timing is a bit of trial and error. He said it was a good concept with really nice execution. He still gave me a few things I could add to it for more polish for my demo reel, such as adding a little bend to the arms at certain points to add some drag in the lower arm and so they don't feel so stiff. He said to try out adding some flex to things and if it ends up taking away from the reality of the action then to take it out. He said there's still a little something that's off about the way her head and body are in the air during the last jump but he can't put his finger on it. That's been a really tough spot for me to get completely right especially because of the moving camera. He likes what I did to the ending, but did give me a coupe little notes on timing and spacing. Also he said he knows he told me to simplify the ending but it would be nice if she stepped in at the end so her feet were together and I thought that'd be a good thing to do. Mainly he said to keep working on the ending because that's the part that isn't as solid as the rest, and I completely agree. I've been having a lot of difficulty with this ending so hopefully I can fix it up for my demo reel!
Basically how I feel about this assignment
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